Lima Golf Anomaly

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The Lima Golf Anomaly is the name of a spatial anomaly located within the Oort Cloud of the Solar System which links directly to the exact point in time and space in a parallel universe. The anomaly is named for the novel Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) due to the nearly identical locations and events but profound fundamental changes found on the other side. Originally detected by Swift and LIGO on October 12, 2011, the anomaly confirmed the existence of separate parallel universes coexistent and independent of the Universe in which we currently reside and currently represents the only known stable link between two parallel universes.


Due to the nature of the treaty struck between the Federation and the ISA, flights through the Anomaly are only allowed via prior authorization from Looking Glass control at McGregor Space Center ("Spooky") and with Federation control through authorized channels or under direct authorization of ISA Director Rubin or project director Acker Robicheaux. Violation of this rule could result in termination of all flight related activities and possible imprisonment. At this time, the use of shields when travelling through the Anomaly results in the complete destruction of any vehicle or object attempting to cross through. As such, should it be necessary to do so, it is imperative that anyone attempting to cross the event horizon of the Anomaly should power down their shields upon reaching the Lima Golf positioning beacon.